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We believe we found the issue and have released an update. Please right-click on the Pokki icon (nut) and select 'Check for updates'. If you see any additional issues please let us know.

Thanks for reporting back to us!

Hi Jerome - we currently do not have a function that allows users to delete photos. If this feature gets voted up we'll consider adding it in.
Thanks! We are working on adding more notifications to a future version of Instagrille.
Hi Aditi,

We will be adding the smiley options back to Instagrille in a future version. Thanks for pointing this out and sorry for the incovenience!
Currently we look at the user's city and then use that as a tag to search. We're looking at adding the user's latitude and longitude and searching that way, unfortunately the Instagram API frequently times out with these searches.
Hi Louie - are you talking about downloading Instagrille or downloading photos within Instagrille?
This is a feature we would LOVE to add, however, Instagram does not currently allow us to do so. Hopefully this will change in the future.
Currently you may only create an account through the official Instagram app on Android and iOS.
Unfortunately Instagram does not expose what you're asking for with their API. The notification number on the badge lets you know there are new photos in your feed.
We would love to allow users to be able to create accounts from Instagrille. Sadly, we rely on Instagram's API and it does not allow us to do so at this time. Hopefully this will change in the future!

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