Instagrille is an Instagram app for your PC.

como me creo una cuenta

Lù Kìtàz 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja ayoubnedjmi 10 aastat tagasi 2

No me puedo crear una cuenta como ago pero con la pc enviame la respuesta a mi mail


كيف يتم تحميل الصور

Ahmed ezzat 12 aastat tagasi 0

Which bug is this ?

Tấn Phạm Anh 10 aastat tagasi 0
Lately I coudn't see any liked, followed or any noti. I even coudn't see photos in Nearby section. Any suggestion ?


Why cant i add or publish photos on Instagram ??

nathaliie Michii 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Muhammad Irfan 10 aastat tagasi 1

Support for new 'mentions' on other people's pictures would be good.  Once they respond to me, I can't see it unless I go on the mobile app or check the picture manually.  —–  Also, the notifications are WAY out of order sometimes.   It 


Love it, but would able to see who liked people's posts

Julie Hampton 11 aastat tagasi uuendatud 11 aastat tagasi 4

Love it, except I used to be able to click on the likes on people's posts and it showed me the names, but since an update, it will let me click on likes, but nothing pops up. I would like to see the likes. Thank you


Nem deveria precisar se cadastrar ! eu acho isso! sl..

NataliaLovato 12 aastat tagasi uuendaja Emily Ricardo de Bittencourt 11 aastat tagasi 1

no se me ven las fotos

Andrea Martin Lopez 10 aastat tagasi 0
me sale una cara triste azullll, y no puedo verr ninguna publicacionnnnnnnn Image 48