Instagrille is an Instagram app for your PC.

He descargado al PC, pero no puedo y no sabe cómo registrarme!

Sofia Barazarte 12 years ago updated by Capo 10 years ago 1


snakcraw 12 years ago 0

Please add support for video!

Teddy Tai 11 years ago 0

We've been waiting and I want to see Instagrille support video, it's already a great app now make it better


Fix notifications , cant see likes on pix

Maureen Fry 11 years ago 0

I can't comment on a picture, i get message that says to download instagrille, what should i do? keep uninstalling and reinstalling?

patrice hogan 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 0

I can't make a comment on a picture, it keeps telling me to download instagrille, when I am already using instagrille, I do not understand this at all. please help! 


Can't "like" photos after liking 30 photos or so?

John Interceptor 10 years ago 0
Why can't I like unlimited photos, like on the Instagram app?

underscore in username impossible to log in.

Bertil Berg-Olsen 11 years ago updated by Fort Joko 10 years ago 2

 When i try to log in to Instagrille i can not write an underscore which is a part of my username. Any suggestion?