
I am not receiving my notifications at all in instagrille, is there something I need to for this to happen or is this an error?

Greg Meza fa 11 anys updated by blake machado (Product Manager) fa 11 anys 1

any idea why this is happening? and also do you receive notifications on people mentioning you on other peoples photos as well?



Hello, we just updated Instagrille which should provide better notifications. Right-click on the Pokki nut and select Check for updates.

We do not support notifications when people mention you in comments at this time.


Hello, we just updated Instagrille which should provide better notifications. Right-click on the Pokki nut and select Check for updates.

We do not support notifications when people mention you in comments at this time.

I have the latest update for Pokki and Instagrille notifications are still not updating. On my PC Instagrille's last update shows 1 day ago, Instagram on my iphone is instant.