Instagrille is an Instagram app for your PC.

Mac Version!

Reces Pieces 12 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door blake machado (Product Manager) 11 jaar geleden 1

Is the Mac version coming soon? I see it was said 3 months ago that it would be launched in a month?


Hi Recese - we are still working on it! I'll update the post on the front page. Thanks for pointing this out.


I am not receiving my notifications at all in instagrille, is there something I need to for this to happen or is this an error?

Greg Meza 11 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door blake machado (Product Manager) 11 jaar geleden 1

any idea why this is happening? and also do you receive notifications on people mentioning you on other peoples photos as well?


Hello, we just updated Instagrille which should provide better notifications. Right-click on the Pokki nut and select Check for updates.

We do not support notifications when people mention you in comments at this time.


Cant use on my MAC

Mario Sherrill 12 jaar geleden 0

Cant use on my MAC!


try to login to my instagram using pixsta but says Forbidden but I can lohin using my Iphone

eastsunsoul 10 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 10 jaar geleden 3
when I try to login to my instagram in my PC using pixsta but says Forbidden but I can login using my Iphone

how can login in pixta app

Capo 10 jaar geleden 0


Notification on Instagrille!

XuneEm Prince 12 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door blake machado (Product Manager) 12 jaar geleden 0
So okay well when i see new notification so i clicked pokki instagrille icon in the taskbar so i opened than see nothing like home its called feed :S because i want to see where they written on comment i wanted to know when my friends or other user write it on my comment :)

Hope you can understand that. 
Unfortunately Instagram does not expose what you're asking for with their API. The notification number on the badge lets you know there are new photos in your feed.

Why I can not see notification in my pc when I start Pixsta?

Ali Yousif 10 jaar geleden 0

Why I can not see notification in my pc when I start Pixsta?



A7e Kalari 10 jaar geleden 0

not receiving notification or unable to view likes on pix

Maureen Fry 10 jaar geleden 0
not receiving notifications & unable to view likes.